​Lake Metroparks' photo contest celebrates the beauty of nature.
Every other month, we will choose a new theme and ask people to post photos that fit that theme to Instagram or Facebook.
To be eligible for our monthly photo contest, share your photo(s) — see platform-specific instructions below — and use #LakeMetroparks and the specified hashtag of the month. Photos that are not entered or tagged correctly will not be eligible nor considered.
At the end of each contest, finalists will be chosen and sent to be judged by our Facebook and Instagram followers. One photo per contest will be declared the winner.
It’s winter, almost spring – the time of year when we’re most likely to wear a plethora of different styles of boots! Whether hiking, snow or rain boots, we’re looking for your best photos of exploring our parks in them.
There are two ways to enter:
Instagram: Post up to five photos. Be sure to tag @lakemetroparks and use both #LMboots25 and #LakeMetroparks in your submissions. Please also tag the park location.
Facebook: Add up to five photos within the comment section of the contest announcement post (click here). Be sure to use both #LMboots25 and #LakeMetroparks in your submissions. Please also include the name of the park.
Entry deadline: February 28
Lake Metroparks is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete entries or technical errors.