In addition to all of the programs listed in Parks Plus!, Lake Metroparks offers hands-on learning adventures that are customizable. Below are some ideas based on programs we’ve provided in the past. Fees apply.
Recreation Outreach Adventures Recreation outreach adventures are designed for groups wishing to have an hour of outdoor fun. All equipment and instruction is provided. Programs are designed for a minimum of ten and maximum of 30 participants. Programs are $5 per participant. For additional information or to schedule your group activity, contact Karen Reis at 440-358-7275 x1277.
Draft Horse Driver Training Ages 18 and older, Fee: $40 for two hours Learn to drive a team of draft horses at Farmpark with one-on-one instruction. Additional lessons are available after initial session. Call Johnathan Squibbs at 440-256-2122 x3141 to schedule training.
Create Your Own Nature Adventure Exploring nature unravels exciting mysteries. Select a topic from below and enjoy a one-hour naturalist-guided program with hands-on activities. Adventure awaits!
Programs are designed for a minimum of ten and a maximum of 30 participants. Programs are $5 per participant ages two and older. Call 440-256-1404 x2125 for more information.
Butterfly/Hummingbird Gardening & You Fee: $70 per program, out-of-county fee applies A PowerPoint program highlights flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. Learn to identify common butterflies of Ohio. Garden tour available at Penitentiary Glen Reservation (weather permitting). Invite us to your location or visit Penitentiary Glen Reservation for a one-hour adult program. Call 440-256-1404 x2125 for more information. Minimum ten people.
Showbiz Kidz Theater Ensemble Showbiz Kidz Theater Ensemble is available for booking! This amateur senior group entertains with musicals or songs at your agency, facility or outing. Sing along as the Showbiz Kidz perform. For show reservations, more information or if you are interested in becoming a performer, contact Jim Meadows at 440-585-3041 x6041. Practices are held at Lakefront Lodge on the second Monday of the month, 10 am to noon.